References | Water management

Preparation of the project documents of revitalisation of the River Becva at UstiPovodí Moravy, s.p. (Morava River Basin Agency)2019 – 2020
A proposal of comprehensive revitalisation of hte nature monument Holasky LakesStatutory City of Brno2018 – 2020
Revitalisation of the Brook Stará Ponávka – preparation of project documentation at the levels of DUR (on the issue of zoning decision), DSP (on the issue of building permit) and PDPS (for carrying out building work), including an emergency and flood plan and an OHS planStatutory City of Brno2017 – 2020
Preparation of a comprehensive project of possible adaptation measures for an average scenario of climate change in the catchment areas which are threatened by a significant lack of waterPovodí Moravy, s.p. (Morava River Basin Agency)2020
Author’s supervision of a designer and preparation of project documentation for implementing the project “Conducting Ditches”, ÚSES (a territorial system of ecological stability) and a field path in the cadastral territory of PravlovState Land Office2018
Babice u Rosic – preparation of project documentation for revitalising a fishpond, a study of handling of precipitation waterMunicipality of Babice u Rosic2018
Tišnov – Předklášteří, preparation of a study of runoff conditions, a design of technical and close-to-nature flood control measuresTown of Tišnov2017 – 2018
Preparation of project documentation (DSP, on the issue of building permit) for implementing the project “The River Rožnovská Bečva”, Valašské Meziříčí, stabilisationPovodí Moravy, s.p. (Morava River Basin Agency)2017 – 2018
Implementation of the Holistic Landscape Management and “Climate-Smart Agriculture” in the Baso River Basin in Arba Minch Zuria Woreda, SNNPR, EthiopiaMendel University in Brno2016 – 2017
Zambia – Project “Provision of Sustainable and Stable Production of Feed for Dairy Cattle of Small Farmer” - a hydrogeological survey of the area, collection of basic data (passportisation) of water resources, GIS analysis, data evaluation and preparation of indicative maps of target areas for strategic planning of new water resourcesMendel University in Brno2014 – 2016
The project VG20102013066, Methodology of Assessing Resources of Emergency Water Supply Based on Risk Analysis, Incorporation into the GIS EnvironmentMinistry of the Interior, Ministry of Defence / University of Defence2010 – 2013