Cartography, Geoinformatics

Cartography, Geoinformatics

In the field of cartography and geoinformatics we offer the following services:

  • Field data collection for further analysis
    mobile mapping, sampling, digital terrain modelling using ground-based laser scanning methods
  • Data processing
    digitization of existing data (old maps, technical drawings, aerial survey photos), processing and evaluation of CAD/GIS data, modification of vector and raster data and their transformation into required formats, design and management of geodatabases, cartographic data processing and presentation
  • Data processing of the digital terrain model
    creation of digital elevation model, surface model, relief model; slope inclinations, their orientation, exposure, creation of shaded relief; visibility maps; calculations of volumes and surfaces; terrain cuts
  • Air and satellite image processing
    geometric transformations; orthorectification; data evaluation
  • Spatial analysis and data interpretation
    network analyses, hydrological analyses, overlapping operations, value interpolation, generalization of map contents, geomarketing
  • 3D modelling and spatial visualization
    creation of 3D models of buildings; perspective views of the terrain with the plot of required data layers; creating video sequences
  • Consultancy
    administration, updating, and designing GIS projects and applications; consultations on modelling and GIS analysis

In the field of cartography and geoinformatics we offer the following services:

  • Field data collection for further analysis
    mobile mapping, sampling, digital terrain modelling using ground-based laser scanning methods
  • Data processing
    digitization of existing data (old maps, technical drawings, aerial survey photos), processing and evaluation of CAD/GIS data, modification of vector and raster data and their transformation into required formats, design and management of geodatabases, cartographic data processing and presentation
  • Data processing of the digital terrain model
    creation of digital elevation model, surface model, relief model; slope inclinations, their orientation, exposure, creation of shaded relief; visibility maps; calculations of volumes and surfaces; terrain cuts
  • Air and satellite image processing
    geometric transformations; orthorectification; data evaluation
  • Spatial analysis and data interpretation
    network analyses, hydrological analyses, overlapping operations, value interpolation, generalization of map contents, geomarketing
  • 3D modelling and spatial visualization
    creation of 3D models of buildings; perspective views of the terrain with the plot of required data layers; creating video sequences
  • Consultancy
    administration, updating, and designing GIS projects and applications; consultations on modelling and GIS analysis



Services provided in the field of geodesy:

  • engineering geodesy and mapping
  • special geodesy (monitoring of slope deformations, settlement of buildings, bridge structures and undermined areas)
  • cadastre of real estates – preparation of geometric plans, demarcation of land borders
  • performing the function of an Authorized Surveyor in accordance with § 13, paragraph 1, point c) of Act No. 200/1994 Coll.
  • professional qualification and competence to perform the function of the main mining surveyor

Services provided in the field of geodesy:

  • engineering geodesy and mapping
  • special geodesy (monitoring of slope deformations, settlement of buildings, bridge structures and undermined areas)
  • cadastre of real estates – preparation of geometric plans, demarcation of land borders
  • performing the function of an Authorized Surveyor in accordance with § 13, paragraph 1, point c) of Act No. 200/1994 Coll.
  • professional qualification and competence to perform the function of the main mining surveyor