
We offer to prepare studies and expert opinions, to carry out survey work, advisory, consulting and expert activities in the areas given below:


We offer to prepare studies and expert opinions, to carry out survey work, advisory, consulting and expert activities in the areas given below:

  • Design of optimisation of the use of existing groundwater resources
  • Search for drinking water resources, determination of their yield and quality
  • Studies of impacts of water management modifications on the regime of groundwater
  • Development of hydraulic models of groundwater flow, including determination of their abstractable volumes of water
  • Balance of groundwater reserves
  • Measurement of flow rates of surface streams using a current meter
  • Provision of regime measurements of groundwater levels in wells and hydrogeological boreholes, including evaluation
  • Compilation of hydroecological maps of an area enabling fast and professional decision-making in the issues of the environment
  • Preparation of hydrogeological studies and expert opinions addressing potential conflicts of interest
  • Design and revision of water resource protection zones (formerly sanitary protection zones) using maps of risks of threats to groundwater
  • Preparation of hydrogeological expert opinions in conjunction with the solution of precipitation water for constructions and expert opinions for infiltration of purified wastewater into the rock environment
  • Construction of synthetic maps of groundwater vulnerability
  • Preparation of hydrogeological studies, expert opinions and statements for mineral water resources
  • ÚGI filters