A range of field tests
- Static loading test for roads – ČSN 72 1006, Annex A
- Static loading test for railway tracks – ČSN 72 1006, Annex B
- Static loading test for the other types of constructions – ČSN 72 1006, Annex D
- Static loading tests of foundation soil – load plates 700 to 2,500 cm2 – ČSN 73 6190 *
- Impact loading test of road surfaces and road beds – ČSN 73 6192
- Determination of bulk density using the sand replacement method (“hole method”) – ČSN 72 1010, Method D-1
- Evaluation of parameters of the degree of compaction “C” and “D” – ČSN 72 1006 *
- Geodetic control method – ČSN 72 1006, Annex G *
- Evaluation of compaction test – ČSN 72 1006, Annexes H and I *
- Tests of consistence and compactness of soils using a hand-held field penetrometer *
- Large-dimension static loading tests of the rock mass – Methodologies of GEOtest *
- Large-dimension shear loading tests of the rock mass – Methodologies of GEOtest *
- Static loading tests of piles – ČSN EN ISO 22477-1 *
- Tensile tests of grouted ground anchors – ČSN EN ISO 22477-5 *
- Tensile tests of nails – ČSN EN 14490 *
- Tests of the state of stress of embankments (“earth bodies”) – Methodologies of GEOtest *
- Tests of soil permeability – Methodologies of GEOtest *
- Measurement of unevenness of road surfaces – ČSN 73 6175
Penetration tests:
- Static penetration test with mechanical tip – ČSN EN ISO 22476-12 *
- Static penetration test with electrical tip (reading out pore water pressures) – ČSN EN ISO 22476-1 *
- Dynamic penetration test DPH (dynamic probing heavy), DPSH-B (dynamic probing super heavy) – ČSN EN ISO 22476-2 *
- Test using a (Marchetti) flat dilatometer– ČSN EN ISO 22476-11 *
* Non-accredited tests
The above-given methodologies for carrying out non-accredited field tests can be modified according to the customer’s requirements.
A range of field tests
- Static loading test for roads – ČSN 72 1006, Annex A
- Static loading test for railway tracks – ČSN 72 1006, Annex B
- Static loading test for the other types of constructions – ČSN 72 1006, Annex D
- Static loading tests of foundation soil – load plates 700 to 2,500 cm2 – ČSN 73 6190 *
- Impact loading test of road surfaces and road beds – ČSN 73 6192
- Determination of bulk density using the sand replacement method (“hole method”) – ČSN 72 1010, Method D-1
- Evaluation of parameters of the degree of compaction “C” and “D” – ČSN 72 1006 *
- Geodetic control method – ČSN 72 1006, Annex G *
- Evaluation of compaction test – ČSN 72 1006, Annexes H and I *
- Tests of consistence and compactness of soils using a hand-held field penetrometer *
- Large-dimension static loading tests of the rock mass – Methodologies of GEOtest *
- Large-dimension shear loading tests of the rock mass – Methodologies of GEOtest *
- Static loading tests of piles – ČSN EN ISO 22477-1 *
- Tensile tests of grouted ground anchors – ČSN EN ISO 22477-5 *
- Tensile tests of nails – ČSN EN 14490 *
- Tests of the state of stress of embankments (“earth bodies”) – Methodologies of GEOtest *
- Tests of soil permeability – Methodologies of GEOtest *
- Measurement of unevenness of road surfaces – ČSN 73 6175
Penetration tests:
- Static penetration test with mechanical tip – ČSN EN ISO 22476-12 *
- Static penetration test with electrical tip (reading out pore water pressures) – ČSN EN ISO 22476-1 *
- Dynamic penetration test DPH (dynamic probing heavy), DPSH-B (dynamic probing super heavy) – ČSN EN ISO 22476-2 *
- Test using a (Marchetti) flat dilatometer– ČSN EN ISO 22476-11 *
* Non-accredited tests
The above-given methodologies for carrying out non-accredited field tests can be modified according to the customer’s requirements.