Boršov u Kyjova – NAVOS, supervision of remediation of an old ecological load

Client:Contractor:Implementation time:Financial scope of the project:

NAVOS, a. s.

GEOtest, a. s.

7/2018 – 4/2019

934 ths. CZK incl. VAT

The project was concerned with supervision of remediation of a disposal site of hazardous waste (mainly pesticides), which was formed as a consequence of extinguishing a fire in a store of agrochemicals in 1988. The person authorised to carry out supervisory oversight provides supervision during the implementation of remedial measures, control of the detail design, demolition and excavation, control of the amount of transported soil, wastes and rubble, control of handling of wastes generated during remediation (he/she also classifies wastes according to the waste catalogue on the basis of their real properties), including transport. He/she also ensures sampling of water, soils, building structures and wastes and oversees that the reclamation of the remediated area is properly carried out and the procedures ensuring the quality of work performed, including OHS, are observed.

The supervisor also controls the contractor’s invoicing and participates in coordination meetings, in controls of the construction site, in billing and site meetings, also prepares opinions to the outputs of the remediation work contractor.